if (!adminpanel) { truesize(); } var clearident=false; var x=0; var oldcolnum; //browser.display.focus_ring_width = 0 ; $.ajaxSetup({ type: "POST", cache:false, dataType:'text', error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { ////console.log('error:', XMLHttpRequest,'stat:', textStatus, errorThrown ); // typically only one of textStatus or errorThrown // will have info //this; // the options for this ajax request } }); $('#footer').append('
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X: " + e.pageX + "
Y: " + e.pageY + "
H: " + (e.pageY-usY)+ "
W: " + (e.pageX-usX) ); $("#coord").css('top',e.pageY+3).css('left',e.pageX+3); }); var prekey,usX,usY,curX,curY; $(document).keyup(function(event) { $("#coord").html(''); //alert(); prekey=0; }); $(document).keydown(function(event) { $("#coord").html("
"+(event.keyCode)); if (event.keyCode==17 ) { //alert('rere'); usX=curX; usY=curY; //alert(usX); } /*else { prekey=event.keyCode; }*/ //alert(); }); function subscriber(form) { if ( checkmyform(form) ) { email=$('.emailsubscribe'); $.fancybox(''); $.get( hrpref+'--?&subscriber='+email.val(), function(data) { setTimeout("$.fancybox('Спасибо за подписку!')",1000); email.val(''); }); return false; } return false; } function deltovcart(id) { $('#incen .fullcart').css('opacity',0.2) ; ////console.log(id); $.ajax({dataType:'text', type:'GET',url:hrpref+'cart--?' , cache:false, data:({deltovcart: id }), success: function(data) { dat=data.split('[fc]'); $('#incen .fullcart').css('opacity',1) ; if ( dat[1] ) { $('#outfullcart').html( (dat[1])); } else { cartclear_jq(); } cartminiup(dat[2]); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { //console.log(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) ; // typically only one of textStatus or errorThrown // will have info this; // the options for this ajax request } }); } function cartminiup(data) { //alert(data); if ( $('#cartmini').attr('id') ) { $('#cartmini').html(data); //console.log(1); } else if ( $('.blockcart').attr('class') ) { $('.blockcart').replaceWith(data); //console.log(2,data); } else if ( data ) { $('#inleft').prepend(data); } else { $('.blockcart').remove(); cartclear_jq(); } } function prigl() { $.fancybox('
Чтобы узнать цену авторизируйтесь:

Если вы ещё не зарегистрированы - зарегистрируйтесь
'); jquery_input_focus_unfocus_with_text(false,false); } function cartrenum() { $('#incen .fullcart').css('opacity',0.2) ; post=$('.num_tov').serializeArray(); post[post.length]={ name:'renum',value: '1' } ////console.log(post); $.get(hrpref+'cart--?', post ,function(data){ dat=data.split('[fc]'); $('#incen .fullcart').css('opacity',1) ; ////console.log( dat[1] ); if ( dat[1] ) { $('#outfullcart').html( (dat[1])); } else { cartclear_jq(); } cartminiup(dat[2]); }); } function cartclear() { $('#incen .fullcart').css('opacity',0.2) ; $.get(hrpref+'cart--?',{ cartclear:1 } ,function(data){ dat=data.split('[fc]'); $('#incen .fullcart').css('opacity',1) ; ////console.log( dat[1] ); if ( dat[1] ) { $('#outfullcart').html( '' ); cartclear_jq(); } else { } cartminiup(dat[2]); }); } function adcartbut(tovid) { adcart( $('#tov'+tovid) ); } function adcart(ob){ $(ob).css('opacity',0.2) ; //ob.css('opacity',0.2) ; art= $(ob).find('input[name=art]').val(); num_tov= $(ob).find('input[name=num_tov]').val(); //console.log('startpost','/'+hrpref+'cart',{adcart:'1',art:art, num_tov: num_tov },'endpost'); post=$(ob).serializeArray(); post[post.length]={ name:'adcart',value: '1' }; post[post.length]={ name:'art',value: art }; post[post.length]={ name:'num_tov',value: num_tov }; $.get('/'+hrpref+'cart--?', post ,function(data){ dat=data.split('[fc]'); $(ob).css('opacity',1) ; ////console.log( dat[1] ); if ( dat[1]=='ok' ) { c=$(ob).find('.tovimg').offset(); if (!c) c=$(ob).find('img').offset(); //console.log(c); t=$('.cartmini').offset(); if (!t) t=$('#cartmini').offset(); if (!t) t=$('#left').offset(); //console.log(c,t); $(ob).find('img').clone() .css({'position' : 'absolute', 'z-index' : '9999', left:c.left, top:c.top }). prependTo('body') .animate({opacity: 0.5, left:t.left, top:t.top,width:10,height:10 }, 2000,'easeInOutQuart' , function() { $(this).remove(); cartminiup(dat[2]); $.fancybox('

Товар добавлен в корзину!


'); }); } else if (dat[1]=='added') { $.fancybox('
Данный товар уже добавлен в корзину

'); } }); return false; } function cartclear_jq() { $('#gozakazform,#center .clearcart,#center .renum,#outfullcart').remove() } // Добавить в Избранное Добавить в Избранное function add_favorite(a) { title=document.title; url=document.location; try { // Internet Explorer window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); } catch (e) { try { // Mozilla window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, ""); } catch (e) { // Opera if (typeof(opera)=="object") { a.rel="sidebar"; a.title=title; a.url=url; return true; } else { // Unknown alert('Нажмите Ctrl-D чтобы добавить страницу в закладки'); } } } return false; } function checkmyform(ob) { var fal; ////console.log( $(ob).attr('name') ); th=func_get_arg(0) ; if (th) { ea=$(th).find(' .need input:visible, .need textarea:visible'); } else { ea=$('form .need input:visible, form .need textarea:visible'); } ea.each(function() { if ($(this).val()=='' || ( $(this).attr('alt') && $(this).attr('alt')==$(this).val() ) ) { fal=1; } }); if (fal) { $.fancybox('

Необходимо заполнить все поля, отмеченные звёздочкой

'); return false; } else { if ( !adminpanel ) { $("form .hidden:hidden[rel!=opt]").remove(); } //alert('уд'); $(".hint").val(''); // cписок видимых форм var oldname; var formnames; $(ob).find(' .i_t input:visible[type=text], .i_t input:visible[type=password], .i_t textarea:visible, input:visible[type=checkbox], input:visible[type=radio]').each( function(k,inp) { n=$(inp).attr('name'); //console.log(n); if (n!==oldname) { formnames=formnames? formnames+','+n : n ; } oldname=n; }); $(ob).append(''); return true; } } function searchadm() { sa=$('#ssad').val(); if( sa ) { $("#adcont").css('opacity',0.2); $.post('/myadmin.php', { searchadm:sa }, function(data) { //$('#th'+id).slideDown( 200 ); $("#adcont").html('
').css('opacity',1); //setTimeout( 'location.replace(window.location.href);',1000); truesize(); }); } return false; } function setcheckval() { var objdep; var dps=''; var old={}; $('form div[group]').each(function(){ eval ('bool='+$(this).attr('group') + ';') ; dps=dps+dp; }); // form input[type=checkbox],form input[type=radio], form select ////console.log(dps); arr=dps.split(';'); ////console.log(arr); for(var k in arr) { if(arr[k] && arr[k]!==' ' && old[arr[k]]!==1 ){ old[arr[k]]=1; $('#'+arr[k]).change(function() { //console.log( 'cn', $(this).attr('id') ); checkval(); //checkval(); }); } }; checkval(); } function ini_set (varname, newvalue) { // Set a configuration option, returns false on error and the old value of the configuration option on success // // version: 1109.2015 // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/ini_set // + original by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // % note 1: This will not set a global_value or access level for the ini item // * example 1: ini_set('date.timezone', 'America/Chicago'); // * returns 1: 'Asia/Hong_Kong' var oldval = '', that = this; this.php_js = this.php_js || {}; this.php_js.ini = this.php_js.ini || {}; this.php_js.ini[varname] = this.php_js.ini[varname] || {}; oldval = this.php_js.ini[varname].local_value; var _setArr = function (oldval) { // Although these are set individually, they are all accumulated if (typeof oldval === 'undefined') { that.php_js.ini[varname].local_value = []; } that.php_js.ini[varname].local_value.push(newvalue); }; switch (varname) { case 'extension': if (typeof this.dl === 'function') { this.dl(newvalue); // This function is only experimental in php.js } _setArr(oldval, newvalue); break; default: this.php_js.ini[varname].local_value = newvalue; break; } return oldval; } function krsort (inputArr, sort_flags) { // Sort an array by key value in reverse order // // version: 1109.2015 // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/krsort // + original by: GeekFG (http://geekfg.blogspot.com) // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // % note 1: The examples are correct, this is a new way // % note 2: This function deviates from PHP in returning a copy of the array instead // % note 2: of acting by reference and returning true; this was necessary because // % note 2: IE does not allow deleting and re-adding of properties without caching // % note 2: of property position; you can set the ini of "phpjs.strictForIn" to true to // % note 2: get the PHP behavior, but use this only if you are in an environment // % note 2: such as Firefox extensions where for-in iteration order is fixed and true // % note 2: property deletion is supported. Note that we intend to implement the PHP // % note 2: behavior by default if IE ever does allow it; only gives shallow copy since // % note 2: is by reference in PHP anyways // % note 3: Since JS objects' keys are always strings, and (the // % note 3: default) SORT_REGULAR flag distinguishes by key type, // % note 3: if the content is a numeric string, we treat the // % note 3: "original type" as numeric. // - depends on: i18n_loc_get_default // * example 1: data = {d: 'lemon', a: 'orange', b: 'banana', c: 'apple'}; // * example 1: data = krsort(data); // * results 1: {d: 'lemon', c: 'apple', b: 'banana', a: 'orange'} // * example 2: ini_set('phpjs.strictForIn', true); // * example 2: data = {2: 'van', 3: 'Zonneveld', 1: 'Kevin'}; // * example 2: krsort(data); // * results 2: data == {3: 'Kevin', 2: 'van', 1: 'Zonneveld'} // * returns 2: true var tmp_arr = {}, keys = [], sorter, i, k, that = this, strictForIn = false, populateArr = {}; switch (sort_flags) { case 'SORT_STRING': // compare items as strings sorter = function (a, b) { return that.strnatcmp(b, a); }; break; case 'SORT_LOCALE_STRING': // compare items as strings, based on the current locale (set with i18n_loc_set_default() as of PHP6) var loc = this.i18n_loc_get_default(); sorter = this.php_js.i18nLocales[loc].sorting; break; case 'SORT_NUMERIC': // compare items numerically sorter = function (a, b) { return (b - a); }; break; case 'SORT_REGULAR': // compare items normally (don't change types) default: sorter = function (b, a) { var aFloat = parseFloat(a), bFloat = parseFloat(b), aNumeric = aFloat + '' === a, bNumeric = bFloat + '' === b; if (aNumeric && bNumeric) { return aFloat > bFloat ? 1 : aFloat < bFloat ? -1 : 0; } else if (aNumeric && !bNumeric) { return 1; } else if (!aNumeric && bNumeric) { return -1; } return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; }; break; } // Make a list of key names for (k in inputArr) { if (inputArr.hasOwnProperty(k)) { keys.push(k); } } keys.sort(sorter); // BEGIN REDUNDANT this.php_js = this.php_js || {}; this.php_js.ini = this.php_js.ini || {}; // END REDUNDANT strictForIn = this.php_js.ini['phpjs.strictForIn'] && this.php_js.ini['phpjs.strictForIn'].local_value && this.php_js.ini['phpjs.strictForIn'].local_value !== 'off'; populateArr = strictForIn ? inputArr : populateArr; // Rebuild array with sorted key names for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { k = keys[i]; tmp_arr[k] = inputArr[k]; if (strictForIn) { delete inputArr[k]; } } for (i in tmp_arr) { if (tmp_arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) { populateArr[i] = tmp_arr[i]; } } return strictForIn || populateArr; } function strtr (str, from, to) { // Translates characters in str using given translation tables // // version: 1109.2015 // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/strtr // + original by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + input by: uestla // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + input by: Alan C // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + input by: Taras Bogach // + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + input by: jpfle // + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // - depends on: krsort // - depends on: ini_set // * example 1: = {'hello' : 'hi', 'hi' : 'hello'}; // * example 1: strtr('hi all, I said hello', ) // * returns 1: 'hello all, I said hi' // * example 2: strtr('aaabaaccasdeooo', 'aao','aao'); // * returns 2: 'aaabaaccasdeooo' // * example 3: strtr('aaaaaaaa', 'a', 'a'); // * returns 3: 'aaaaaaaa' // * example 4: strtr('http', 'pthxyz','xyzpth'); // * returns 4: 'zyyx' // * example 5: strtr('zyyx', 'pthxyz','xyzpth'); // * returns 5: 'http' // * example 6: strtr('aa', {'a':1,'aa':2}); // * returns 6: '2' var fr = '', i = 0, j = 0, lenStr = 0, lenFrom = 0, tmpStrictForIn = false, fromTypeStr = '', toTypeStr = '', istr = ''; var tmpFrom = []; var tmpTo = []; var ret = ''; var match = false; // Received replace_pairs? // Convert to normal from->to chars if (typeof from === 'object') { tmpStrictForIn = this.ini_set('phpjs.strictForIn', false); // Not thread-safe; temporarily set to true from = this.krsort(from); this.ini_set('phpjs.strictForIn', tmpStrictForIn); for (fr in from) { if (from.hasOwnProperty(fr)) { tmpFrom.push(fr); tmpTo.push(from[fr]); } } from = tmpFrom; to = tmpTo; } // Walk through subject and replace chars when needed lenStr = str.length; lenFrom = from.length; fromTypeStr = typeof from === 'string'; toTypeStr = typeof to === 'string'; for (i = 0; i < lenStr; i++) { match = false; if (fromTypeStr) { istr = str.charAt(i); for (j = 0; j < lenFrom; j++) { if (istr == from.charAt(j)) { match = true; break; } } } else { for (j = 0; j < lenFrom; j++) { if (str.substr(i, from[j].length) == from[j]) { match = true; // Fast forward i = (i + from[j].length) - 1; break; } } } if (match) { ret += toTypeStr ? to.charAt(j) : to[j]; } else { ret += str.charAt(i); } } return ret; } function checkval () { $('form .hidden').each(function() { eval (('bool='+$(this).attr('group') + ';')) ; // alert(0.5); if (bool ) { //alert(1); if( $(this).css('display')=='none') { $(this).slideDown('fast', function(){ } ); $('#ihi'+$(this).attr('id')).val('') ; } if ( $(this).attr('rel')=='spanopt' ) { rep='' ; //alert(rep); $(this).after(rep); $(this).remove() ; } } else { if ( $(this).css('display')!=='none' ) { $(this).slideUp("fast"); $('#ihi'+$(this).attr('id')).val('1') ; } if ( $(this).attr('rel')=='opt' ) { rep='' ; //alert(rep); $(this).after(rep); $(this).remove() ; } } }); $('.hidden:hidden input[type=text],.hidden:hidden textarea').val(''); summ=new Number(); $('form .i_r:visible, form input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { val= Number( vlh( $(this).attr('id') )); summ+= (val ? val : 0) ; }); if (summ > 0 ) { $('#itogo').html(' Итого: '+summ+' рублей'); $('#valsumm').val( ' Итого: '+summ+' рублей' ); } } function vl(id) { div=$('#'+id+':visible'); if (div.attr('rel')=='rad' ) { out = div.find('input:checked').val(); } else if (div.attr('type')=='checkbox') { out= div.attr('checked'); } else { out = div.val(); } //alert(out); return out; } function vlh(id) { var out=''; div=$('#'+id+':visible'); if (div.attr('rel')=='rad' ) { out = div.find('input:checked').attr('rel'); } else if (div.attr('type')=='checkbox' && div.attr('checked') ) { out= div.attr('rel'); } //alert(out); return out; } function screenHeight(){ return $.browser.opera? window.innerHeight : $(window).height(); } function screenWidth(){ return $.browser.opera? window.innerWidth : $(window).width(); } // isset(window, "globalValue") - можно function isset () { // + original by: Kevin van Zonneveld // + improved by: FremyCompany // + improved by: Onno Marsman // * example 1: isset( undefined, true); // * returns 1: false // * example 2: isset( 'Kevin van Zonneveld' ); // * returns 2: true var a=arguments, l=a.length, i=0; if (l===0) { throw new Error('Empty isset'); } while (i!==l) { if (typeof(a[i])=='undefined' || a[i]===null) { return false; } else { i++; } } return true; } function chreg(reg) { curid=$('#adcont input[name=id]').val(); curmode=$('#adcont input[name=mode]').val(); location.replace('/myadmin.php?id='+curid+'&mode='+curmode+'&chreg='+reg); } function ajaxform() { $('.ajaxform') .bind('form-pre-serialize', function(e) { if ( $('.tiny input').attr('name') ) { tinyMCE.triggerSave(); } }) .ajaxForm({ //target: '#output1', beforeSubmit: ajaxformBefore, success: ajaxformSuccess }); } function tinyGetFromAjax() { $('.tiny').each(function() { ifr=$(this).find('iframe').contents().find('body').html(); $(this).find('textarea').val( ifr ); }); } function ajaxformBefore () { if ( checkmyform() ) { $('#adcont').fadeTo(0,0.1); } else { return false; } } var xml_special_to_escaped_one_map = { '&': '&', '"': '"', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; var escaped_one_to_xml_special_map = { '&': '&', '"': '"', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; function encodeXml(string) { return string.replace(/([\&"<>])/g, function(str, item) { return xml_special_to_escaped_one_map[item]; }); }; function decodeXml(string) { return string.replace(/("|<|>|&)/g, function(str, item) { return escaped_one_to_xml_special_map[item]; }); } function getVarValueFromURL(url, varName) { var query = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;i'); //alert(res[0]); $('#response').html(res[1]); selector='#ss'+dt[2]; //alert (selector); $(selector).remove(); $(selector).remove(); $(selector).remove(); $('#'+dt[2]).prepend(dt[1]); newevent(dt[2]); $('#'+dt[2]).attr('class','t-'+dt[3]); $('#'+dt[2]).attr('class','t-'+dt[3]); $('#'+dt[2]).attr('class','t-'+dt[3]); $('#adcont input[name=ident]').val(dt[4]); $('#adcont input[name=url]').val(''); mode=$('#adcont input[name=mode]').val(); if ( (mode=='0') && (dt[5]!=='') ) { $('.inadm').html(''); $('.inadm').html(''); $('.inadm').html(''); $('.inadm').append(dt[5]); setajax(); } } else { if ( responseText.split('','',responseText) ; } dtn=$.secureEvalJSON(responseText); //alert(dtn.menu); //res=responseText.split('
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